We have two lovely horses to coach and counsel you. Both horses are very gentle and have wonderfully healing and therapeutic spirits. They are Life Coach/Counselor Karin Bauer's partners at Horse Journey. Please meet your Equine coaches, Link and Rollie!

"Storm's Missin' Link" or Link. Birthday: July 25, 2003

Link and sky2What do you see, feel, or think when you see Link? When you meet him, you will have your very own perception of Link.

My own learning from Link has been profound! Link has taught me how to be an effective team leader (and partner, boss). He has shown me how to take better care of myself, and take a well-deserved break. We need to pace ourselves if walking up a steep hill; either go slow or find a flatter trail; Link has shown me that.

I appreciate Link's loyalty and trust in me. He has taught me clear leadership. He has also taught me boundaries and assertiveness. I feel he likes praise for achievements, and that it is ok to have a sense of pride in a job well done. One huge piece of learning from Link has been that independence can be a beautiful thing! Assertiveness is a good thing, even if not easy.

"Storm's Midnight Roller" or Rollie. Birthday: May 27, 2004

Rollie_blog_picWhat do you see, feel, or think when you see Rollie? When you meet him, you will have your very own perception of Rollie.

My own learning from him has been profound! Rollie has taught me how to deal with my sensitive side. He is a trooper and a never-ending source of inspiration to me. He has a spirit that is hard to put into words. I've learned how to stay curious and courageous in life from Rollie.

Rollie allows me to question my own motives and intentions; when these are clear trust is earned more easily. In Rollie's presence, I stay tuned into my body by watching his body language. There is so much you can learn from Rollie, you have to meet him!

What would you like to learn?

Link and Rollie as Therapy Horses

Unlike other therapy horses, an abusive history or tragic rescue is not part of Link and Rollie's life story. Both were born at a loving farm and enjoy a wonderful horse journey;  sound, balanced, loved, and in tune with their world.

In Life Coaching we believe that the coach should be a strong, healthy role model. If you are balanced and take excellent care of yourself, then you will have strong reserves to coach others. Link and Rollie are such strong coaches.

Link and Rollie's unique strengths:
- intuitively work with you on your specific needs
- inspire and encourage you
- teach you to by example
- allow you to discover true feelings
- help you to get past your blocks
- show you how you can reach your goals
- celebrate your success

Want to learn more? Contact us today!

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